Yam Aaron Space Exploration
- layered background (background /middle ground /foreground) (Space/Moon/ISS)
- at least one image (bullet)
- a player-controlled sprite (Player Control)
- an enemy sprite with automatic movement (Chases Player)
- the ability for the player to shoot bullets at the enemy (Left-Click)
- automatic shooting bullets from the enemy to the player (Invoke Repeating)
- collision detection of bullets, using tags so that a player does not kill himself with his own bullets (Bullet and Enemy Bullet)
- health score for player and enemy, displayed (UI in gameplay)
- animation #1 (Player animations)
- animation #2 (Enemy animations)
- at least three levels in increasing order of difficulty. Document the difficulty of each level in the directions. (Speed and Firing Rate)
- scene transitions: Every time that your player destroys the enemy, the game should transition to the next level. Every time your player ship gets destroyed, the current level should be restarted. (Switches Scenes when enemy is destroyed, and restarts if Player dies)
- directions (include the basics of each level) (Labeled Tutorial on main menu)
- settings, including a volume setting with a slider (Audio Slider on bottom of gameplay screen)
- quit game (In main menu and in game...Application stops, but screen stays??)
- menu (main menu)
- pause/resume and link back to menu (shown in game)
- some other UI (dropdown, toggle, input) (input for name)
- at least two data items that persist from scene to scene (name and score)
- high scores (name and score displayed on high score screen)
Not Completed
- sound effect on collisions (Does not play where it should play in code)
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